Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Crunch doesn't seem to get that there are still little kids on earth.

San Ramon Patch-  If you've parked in Danville recently, you might have returned to your car and found a pretty bold flier on your windshield.
The advertisement for the Blackhawk fitness center Crunch Fitness, (shown above) reads, "GO FROM...UUUGHHH...Going to the Gym...TO...Goin' to the Gym MOTHERFU©&@Z!" A Danville man told Patch he was "displeased" when he returned to his car after dinner with his family last week to see the advertisement on his car. Crunch Fitness has since stopped handing out the fliers. Shabnam Amiri, a Crunch Fitness membership adviser, said, "I think we were trying to be hip, but we threw (the advertisements) all out."
Updated at 1:20 p.m.
Here is the response to the story from Christina DeGuardi, Senior Vice President of marketing, branding and communications at Crunch:
This particular ad is one of several ads that are running in select cities across the country. It was meant to over-exaggerate the excitement and enthusiasm many of our members express when they participate in the Crunch experience. It was inspired by actual tweets from Crunch members. That being said, we are sensitive to the feelings of the communities in which we do business and do apologize to anyone who may have taken offense.

            I'd be mad too. Nothing like walking out of Outback Steakhouse with your wife and two kids and having to rip this paper off the windshield so the youngsters aren't exposed to this outlandish language. If this happened to me, there would be no shot I even consider working out at "crunch." On the other hand, If I'm out at the bar watching the game with a few of my buddies and come out at about 2 am and find this flyer on my windshield I probably wouldn't be too mad about it. Like you know "I've been drinking a lot lately maybe I should hit up the gym." I've said it once, I'll say it a thousand times....there's a time and a place for everything; but I just don't think "Crunch" gets that. A key model for a good business is knowing how to advertise, where to advertise, and who to advertise to. Also I don't know why Christina is trying to pawn this off on the members. Like "yeah out members tweeted this" it was them not us. Step up and take responsibility here. I just think that this cliché ad could have been done in a nicer, more family-friendly way. This "bold" flyer probably ticked a lot of people off but most of them just didn't speak out.


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