Monday, April 1, 2013

Comcast doesn't like all.

Huff Post- Comcast recently banned commercials featuring some kinds of guns, but does it really have a problem with archery, too? Just ask Bob's Little Sport Shop in Glassboro, N.J., which was told by Comcast that a commercial it had aired for years on numerous channels was no longer allowed on television because it depicts guns and bows and arrows being fired."They didn't want either one shown on TV and asked if we could redo our ads to not show any guns or to show the archery being shot," said Wendy Copenhaver, Bob's Little Sport Shop's office manager, in a phone interview with The Huffington Post on Monday.Comcast had even recommended the production company that filmed the commercial a few years ago, Copenhaver also told HuffPost. The ad was then shown on 10 to 12 networks throughout New Jersey and Pennsylvania, including ESPN, Animal Planet and Lifetime, she said.Comcast's new policy bans commercials for many types of non-hunting guns, like handguns and semi-automatic firearms, according to the Los Angeles Times. The Bob's Little Sports Shop commercial featured people shooting handguns.

I just don't know about Bob's Little Sport Shop. In today's day and age with all the recent terrorist attacks on American soil, I don't think they should be able to show people firing guns or bow and arrows or whatever on tv. Yeah their ad's have been playing on TV for years, but times have changed. 15 years ago there was hardly any security at airports. Then, 9/11 happened and they made a move for the better. This is the same thing. Newtown, CT happened and America is finally starting to realize how easy it is for crazy people to go out and get a gun. This is a good move by Comcast. They shouldn't show advertisements for firearms on television, and with this policy, it looks like they won't anymore. Just looks like it would be so easy for an insecure teenager to go out and buy a pistol and then do something terrible. Like look at the kid in the red shirt, can't be a day over 14 right? Just walks in and checks out the selection. I definitely understand if the kid goes with Pops to the shooting range on their man day, have a little fun missing some targets then hit up Mickey D's on the way home. Thats fine, but I think Comcast knows what they're doing here. That being said, I don't like Bob's Little Sport Shop. If Im driving on the Jersey Turnpike and see a sign for this place, I'd probably try and get off and try to find a wiffle ball and bat or something. They should definitely consider changing it to "Bob's guns."

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you on everything you wrote. I'm really glad Comcast is taking this issue into their own hands because to be honest there is no need for any civilian to have sort of firearm that is not strictly for hunting. That is how people get hurt, just look at the news for this year. We do have a constitutional right to bare arms but i think we have strayed what the true meaning of that right.
